
Learning objectives

In this introductory unit you will learn the basics of MATLAB, from how to start MATLAB through to how to use it to write simple code and to use basic graphic capabilities of MATLAB. The aim of this unit is for you to acquire a familiarity with MATLAB and to learn a few basic commands.

When you see things written in typewriter font as in this for example, you should type these commands into the MATLAB command window. his unit consists mostly of walkthroughs which introduce you to the commands that you will use throughout the course; be sure to enter these commands into MATLAB as you go through the walkthroughs. If you come across a command that you don’t know, use the inbuilt MATLAB help files (which we will explain how to use below) to find out what it does.

This course was developed using MATLAB on Microsoft Windows, but MATLAB is the same regardless of the operating system you are using. Some aspects of the appearance may vary between operating systems, but all functionality should be the same.

Reading list

There is no specific reading list for this unit but the following resources may be useful.

  • the MATLAB help system (found by typing ‘doc’ on the command line), which is explained in one of the first screens
  • the online MATLAB documentation
  • The book MATLAB Primer, by Timothy A. Davis and Kermit Sigmon