Basic data and image processing

MATLAB has many powerful tools to read in files and manipulate data, and we will use this functionality here to read in some data and image files to undertake some basic processing.

There are many MATLAB commands that are used to read in data from files and write data to files, for example

  • load
  • save
  • imread
  • imwrite

Before you continue, take a look at the help files for these commands.

Loading and saving data files

In the following example we will load in data from one file and write out the data to a different file.


Download the Data1.txt to the current working directory.

To load in data from the file ‘Data1.txt’ we use the load command

load Data1.txt

which creates the variable Data1.txt which is a $10000\times1$ vector (seen by using the whos command).

Alternatively, you could load the file by using the following

data = load('Data1.txt');

which allows you to specify the variable name. If you want to load a file in a different directory, then you need to use the second command as you can pass the file location as a string. If, for example, you were storing your data in a different directory (in the current working directory) called ‘Data’, you could use the command

data = load('Data/Data1.txt');

To save data to a file you use the save command, which works in a similar way. The following command will save the variable data as a file ‘TestSave.txt’ in plain text as specified by the –ascii option.

save 'TestSave.txt' data -ascii

Loading and saving the whole workspace

You can also use save and load to save all the variables in your workspace as a .mat file. Note that this file can only be read by MATLAB, unlike the .txt files we made in the previous example.


We begin with an empty workspace


and define some variables


To save all these variables we use the command

save AllVariables.mat;

Now if we clear all the variables


you can see the workspace is now empty. The command

load AllVariables.mat;

will load back all the saved variables, as can be seen by typing


You can also load image files using the ‘imread’ command as shown in the following example.

Loading and saving images


Download the file TestImage.png to the current working directory.

This is the image you are saving:


The following command will load the image into MATLAB and store it as a matrix in which each entry is a number between 0 and 255 that represents the intensity of that pixel. Note that this is a black-and-white image so there is only one intensity value for each pixel. If the image were in colour then there would be three such matrices (one for each base colour).


You can view the image in MATLAB by typing the command


Suppose we had made some modifications to the image, for example by cropping the image

A(:,[1:13, 107:end])=[];

The matrix A could be saved as an image by using the command


which produces a file ‘TestCroppedImage.png’ which looks like the following figure
