You should already be familiar with the idea of analytical differentiation and be able to differentiate simple functions like $y=x^n$
and $y=sin(x)$
If you don’t know how to do this, look it up now in any A level textbook or the relevant section of the Calculus Wikibook.
Sometimes functions are highly non-linear and a closed form for the derivative may be difficult to calculate. For example
$$y=x^{\ln x}$$
Alternatively, $y$
can be defined as the solution to an equation, so we can not calculate a closed form for $y=f(x)$
to which the traditional rules of differentiation may be applied.
In such cases we may calculate a numerical approximation for the derivative using the following difference formulae.
Suppose $y=f(x)$
Let the points $x_0,x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_N$
be equally spaced over the interval $\left[a,b\right]$
, and let $h=\frac{1}{N}\left(x_N−x_0\right)=x_{i+1}−x_i$
Now let $y_i=f(x_i)$
is given by:
is given by:
is given by:
is given by:
Where $h$
is assumed to be small, the smaller $h$
is, the better the approximation becomes.
The derivation of these forms is undertaken in the next exercise.