Exercises 1

The following exercise will allow you to practise what you have learned so far in this unit.

Let $A$ be a sparse symmetric positive definite matrix of dimension $(N-1)^2\times (N-1)^2$ entered in MATLAB (for a given $N$) by the function buildA as follows:

function A=buildA(N)
    e1= ones(nvar,1);
    e2=e1; e2( 1:N-1:nvar)=0;
    e3=e1; e3(N-1:N-1:nvar)=0;
    A=spdiags([-e1 4*e1 -e1],-(N-1):N-1:N-1,nvar,nvar)...
        +spdiags([-e3 -e2], -1: 2 : 1,nvar,nvar);

We will consider manipulation of the matrix $A$, which will be used again in later exercises as the solution to the linear system containing this $A$. This corresponds to a finite difference solution to Poisson’s equation:


on the unit square with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions.

  1. Copy the function buildA above into a new file buildA.m in your current working directory.

  2. Set $N=4$ and produce a spy plot of the matrix $A$. How many non-zero diagonals are there? How many non-zero entries are there?

  3. What is the determinant of $A$ when $N=4$?

  4. When $N=4$, which entries of $A^{-1}$ are greater than 0.02?

  5. For $N=4$, check that $A$ is symmetric by producing a spy plot of $A-A^T$: if $A$ is symmetric there should be no non-zero entries. Check that $A$ is positive definite by looking at its eigenvalues: they should all be strictly positive.

Expand for solution
  1. To create the spy plot of the matrix $A$, use the MATLAB function spy(A). From this we see that there are five non-zero diagonals. Using nnz(A) we see that there are 33 non-zero entries. Spy plot of A

  2. When $N=4$, the MATLAB command det(A) gives the determinant as 6.8961e+15.

  3. Letting B=inv(A), the command [i,j]=find(B>0.02) tells us that the entries (2,2), (4,4), (5,5), (6,6) and (8,8) are greater than 0.02.

  4. The spy plot spy(A-A') shows no non-zero entries. Likewise, A-A' yields All zero sparse: 9×9. Both tell us that $A$ is symmetric.

    The command e=eigs(A,9) tells us the eigenvalues are:

    >> e=eigs(A,9)
    e =

    and, hence, are all strictly greater than zero.


Here, by default, eigs(A) only gives a subset of the eigenvalues, but we can force MATLAB to calculate all eigenvalues by specifying the number that we want: hence, eigs(A,9).

An $N\times N$ matrix will always have $N$ eigenvalues, although some may be repeated, as is the case here.