Initial value problems

Problem definition

Consider systems of first order equations of the form dy1dx=f1(x,y1,y2), dy2dz=f2(x,y1,y2), subject to conditions y1(x0)=y10 and y2(x0)=y20. This type of problem is known as an Initial Value Problem (IVP). In order to solve these we use the inbuilt MATLAB commands ode45 and ode15s, both of which use the same syntax so that once you can use one you can use the other. (There is a larger family of ODE solvers that use the same syntax. See doc ode45 for a full list.).

This family of solvers is based on multi-step methods such as Runge–Kutta schemes, which extend the Euler methods discussed in the previous section. For more details, see any book on numerical methods of solving differential equations or (Note that this is beyond the scope of this present course.) Use doc ode45 to find more details on these solvers.

In this section we will demonstrate how to use the inbuilt MATLAB ODE solvers such as ode45. We will demonstrate how this works through two walkthroughs: a single first-order ODE and a coupled system of first-order ODEs.

Matlab commands

We wish to solve dydx=f(x,y) subject to y(x0)=y0, for given values x0 and y0.

Use of the inbuilt MATLAB ODE solvers requires the following steps:

  1. We construct a function (here called deriv) which has input arguments x and y and returns the value of the derivative dydx, that is f(x,y).

  2. We call the ODE solver (here ode45) using the following command

    [x,y] = ode45(@deriv,[x0,x1],y0);

    The variables and parameters passed to the ODE solver are:

    • @deriv, a handle to a function that returns the value of the derivative dydx for a given x and y;

    • [x0,x1], the range of x for which the problem is to be solved; and

    • y0, the initial condition for y, y(x0)=y0.

  3. We plot the results, which are now stored as x and y.

Walkthrough - Single ODE

Suppose we wish to solve


subject to y(0)=1

using the Matlab solver ode45.

Example code to solve this is given by

% Function to solve dydx=xy.
function SolveSimple(y0)
    [x,y] = ode45(@deriv,[0,1],y0);
    % A function defining the derivative
    function dydx = deriv(x,y)
        dydx = x*y;

The main elements of this code are

  • [x,y] = ode45(@deriv,[0,1],y0); Which is the call to the ode45 solver, whose parameters are:

    • @deriv a handle to a function that returns the value of the derivative dydx given x and y;

    • [0,1] the range for which the problem is to be solved; and

    • y0 the initial condition for y, y(0)=y0 (where y0 is a number).

  • function dydx = deriv(x,y) which is a function that returns the value of dydx for a given x and y (here xy).

Running the code, by saving in a file named SolveSimple.m and executing it with SolveSimple(1), yields the following plot:

ode45 example

This is plotted against the exact solution y=ex22, in the next figure:

ode45 vs exact

The red line represents the actual solution and the blue crosses show the numerical solution from ode45.

You can also use ode45 to solve systems of first-order ODEs (and also higher-order equations by reducing them to systems of first-order equations) as shown in the following walkthrough.

Walkthrough - Coupled systems of equations

Suppose we wish to solve dy1dx=y2 dy2dx=y1 subject to y1(0)=1 and y2(0)=0.

Example code to solve this is given by

% Function to solve the simple coupled ODE system.
function SolveCoupled()
    y10=1; y20=0;
    [x,Y] = ode45(@coupled,[0,5],[y10;y20]);
    function dYdt = coupled(x,Y)

This code is very similar to the code for the single ODE but here Y and dYdt are now vectors.

The main elements of this code are

  • [x,Y] = ode45(@coupled,[0,5],[y10;y20]); which is the call to the ode45 solver, the various parameters are:

    • @coupled, a handle to a function that returns the value of the derivative dydx for given x and y=(y1,y2);

    • [0,5], the range for which the problem is to be to solved;

    • [y10;y20], the initial conditions for y1 and y2; and

  • Y, the solution in the form of a matrix, in which the first column is the solution for y1 and the second is the solution for y2.

  • function dYdx = coupled(x,Y) which is a function that returns the value of dydx for a given x and y. Note that this is now a vector.

  • plot(x,Y(:,1),'b',x,Y(:,2),'r'); which plots the solutions for y1 and y2, in blue and red respectively.

Running the code, by saving in a file named SolveCoupled.m and executing it with SolveCoupled(), yields the following plot:

ode45 coupled system

Which agrees with the analytical solution of y1=cos(x) and y2=sin(x) calculated earlier.