Boundary value problems

Problem definition

Suppose we wish to solve the system of equations $\frac{d\mathbf{y}}{dx}=\mathbf{f}(x,\mathbf{y})$, with conditions applied at two different points $x=a$ and $x=b$.

More commonly, problems of this sort will be written as a higher-order (that is, a second-order) ODE with derivative boundary conditions We can reduce any such equation to a system of first-order equations, however, so we only need to consider how to solve systems of first-order equations.

Such problems are known as ‘Boundary Value Problems’ (BVPs).

For a system to be well defined, there should be as many conditions as there are first-order equations. For example, to solve two second-order ODEs you would need four conditions, as this system would equate to one with four first-order ODEs.

Matlab commands

Suppose we wish to solve the system of $n$ equations, $\frac{d\mathbf{y}}{dx}=\mathbf{f}(x,\mathbf{y})$, with conditions applied at two different points $x=a$ and $x=b$.

In order to use the inbuilt MATLAB ODE solvers, you need to follow the steps below:

  1. Construct a function (here called deriv) which has input arguments $x$ and $\mathbf{y}=(y_1,\ldots,y_n)$ and returns the value of the derivative $\frac{d\mathbf{y}}{dx}$, that is $\mathbf{f}(x,\mathbf{y})$.

  2. Construct a function (here called bcs) which has input arguments $\mathbf{y}(a)$ and $\mathbf{y}(b)$ and returns the value of the residual for each specified boundary condition. For example to apply $y_1(a)=1$ and $y_1(b)=0$ use

    function res = bcs(ya,yb)
    res = [ ya(1) - 1

    To apply conditions to the other variables, $y_2$, etc. change the index to ya(2) or yb(2), for example.

  3. Define the solution domain and provide an initial guess for the solution on the solution domain. Use the command

    solinit = bvpinit([a,b],[0,0]);

    This defines the domain for solution as $[a,b]$, and the initial guess for the solution at the points specified in the domain as $[0,0]$. (Note that we could use a more accurate initial guess, that is define the domain using linspace(a,b,100) and then define the solution on these points.)

  4. Call the ODE solver bvp4c, using the following command

    sol = bvp4c(@deriv,@bcs,solinit);

    The various parameters are:

    • @deriv, a handle to a function that given $x$ and $\mathbf{y}$ returns the value of the derivative $\frac{d\mathbf{y}}{dx}$;

    • @bcs, a handle to a function that defines the boundary conditions;

    • solinit, the structure defining the solution’s domain and that initial guess at the solution; and

    • sol, a structure that contains the solution.

  5. Plot the results, which are now stored as sol.x and sol.y.



Suppose we wish to solve the following boundary value problem.

Consider the equation $$ \frac{d^2y}{dx^2} + y = 0 \,. $$ subject to $y'(0) = 1$ and $y(\pi) = 0$.

The exact solution is $y = \sin(x)$.

To solve this numerically, we first need to reduce the second-order equation to a system of first-order equations, $$ \frac{dy}{dx} = z \,, $$ $$ \frac{dz}{dx} = -y \,. $$ with $z(0) = 1$ and $y(\pi) = 0$.

Example code to solve this is given by:

% Function to solve d^2ydx^2+y = 0.
function SimpleBVP()
    %% Set up, solve, & plot the BVP
    % Initial guess for solution on solution domain
    solinit = bvpinit([0,pi],[0,0]);
    % Solve the BVP
    sol = bvp4c(@deriv,@bcs,solinit);
    % Plot the solution
    %% Function to evaluate the right hand side of the system
    function dYdx = deriv(x,Y)
        dYdx(1) = Y(2);
        dYdx(2) = -Y(1);
    %% Function to evaluate the boundary values, y'(a)=1, y(b)=0
    function res = bcs(ya,yb)
        res = [ ya(2) - 1

You can run the code by saving in a file named SimpleBVP.m and executing it with SimpleBVP(). The main elements of this code are:

  • solinit = bvpinit([0,pi],[0,0]); which defines the domain for solution through $[0,\pi]$ and the initial guess for the solution at the points specified in the domain, $[0,0]$.

  • sol = bvp4c(@deriv,@bcs,solinit); which is the call to the bvp4c solver, the various parameters are:

    • @deriv, a handle to a function that returns the value of the derivative $\frac{dy}{dx}$ for a given $x$ and $y$;

    • @bcs is a handle to a function that defines the boundary conditions; and solinit is the structure defining the solution domain and initial guess.

  • plot(sol.x,sol.y(1,:),'b-x'); which plots the solution.

  • function dydx = deriv(x,y) which is a function that returns the value of $\frac{d\mathbf{y}}{dx}$ for a given $x$ and $\mathbf{y}$ at that point (which here is the vector $[−z,y]$).

  • function res = bcs(ya,yb) which is a function which defines the boundary conditions applied at $a=0$ and $b=1$.

Running the code (using SimpleBVP()) yields the following plot:

bvp4c example

This is plotted against the exact solution, $y=\sin(x)$, in the next figure:

bvp4c with exact solution