Exercises 1


Using the GUI provided in the previous section as a guide, create a GUI for the system of differential equations given by:

dNdt=N(1P) dPdt=P(N1),

with initial conditions N(0)=α and P(0)=β. If you’re interested in the biological background for this problem (which is known as a ‘Predator–Prey system’), then see Chapter 3 of Mathematical Biology by J. D. Murray.

Your GUI should plot both the solutions, N and P over time, together with the phase plane (how P varies with N). It should include two inputs (sliders) in order to vary the initial conditions, α and β, and a button that is used to start the simulations.

Expand for solution

The following file, PredPreyGUI.m, presents a suitable GUI for the predator– prey system described in the problem.

% GUI for the Predator Prey System
function PredPreyGUI()
    global Slider1 Slider2; %Define these to be global so subfunction can see slider
    close all
    % Make a large figure.
    figure('position',[0 0 1000 600],'name','PredatorPreyGUI','NumberTitle','off');
    % Make subplots to hold plots
    h_1 = subplot('position',[0.05 0.25 0.4 0.65]);
    h_2 = subplot('position',[0.55 0.25 0.4 0.65]);
    % Just some descriptive text.
    uicontrol('Style', 'text', 'String', 'Alpha',...
        'Position', [50 55 90 20]);
    % A slider for varying the first parameter.
    Slider1 = uicontrol('Style', 'slider', 'Min',0,'Max', 2,...
        'Position', [150 55 200 20]);
    % Just some descriptive text.
    uicontrol('Style', 'text', 'String', 'Beta',...
        'Position', [450 55 90 20]);
    % A slider for varying the second parameter.
    Slider2 = uicontrol('Style', 'slider', 'Min',0,'Max', 2,...
        'Position', [550 55 200 20]);
    % A button to run the simulations.
    Button = uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Run',...
        'Position', [850 50 100 30],'Callback', @PlotGUI);
    %% Called by PredPreyGUI to do the solving and plotting
    % hObject is the button and eventdata is unused.
    function PlotGUI(hObject,eventdata)
        % Gets the value of the parameters from the sliders.
        alpha = get(Slider1,'Value');
        beta = get(Slider2,'Value');
        % Puts the value of the parameters on the GUI.
        uicontrol('Style', 'text', 'String', num2str(alpha),...
            'Position', [360 55 60 20]);
        % Puts the value of the parameters on the GUI.
        uicontrol('Style', 'text', 'String', num2str(beta),...
            'Position', [760 55 60 20]);
        % Solves the ODEs
        EndTime = 20;
        [t,Y] = ode45(@PredPrey,[0,EndTime],[alpha,beta]);
        % Plot the Solutions
        h_1 = subplot('position',[0.05 0.25 0.4 0.65]);
        legend('Prey (N)','Predator (P)');
        h_2 = subplot('position',[0.55 0.25 0.4 0.65]);
        %% Function defining the Predator Prey System.
        function dYdt = PredPrey(t,Y)
            dYdt = [ Y(1)*(1-Y(2));

Copy this into a new M-file in your working directory named PredPreyGUI.m, and run it with the command:


Move the sliders and press the ‘Run’ button see the plot change. The working GUI is shown in the following figure:

GUI with UI controls

Now that you understand the basics of making GUIs in MATLAB, you can use the inbuilt ‘App Designer’ development environment to make GUIs using a graphical interface. See Create and Run a Simple App Using App Designer for more information. You will not be required to use App Designer for this course but you may find it useful if you need to make a complicated GUI in the future.