Getting Python


This course and all of the sample solutions use Python 3.


You can download and install Python 3 using the releases provided by the CPython team here. Installation using the windows installer packages should be straightforward, but if required you can find further documentation on the installation process here.

Mac OS X

You can download and install Python 3 on a Mac using the Python download page, and there are further instructions in the official documentation.

As an alternative, Homebrew is a package manager for Mac OSX that is very useful for installing scientific software and dependencies. You can see the official Homebrew page for installation instructions. Once Homebrew is installed you can install Python using

brew install python

Debian and Ubuntu 20.04 Linux

Debian Linux, and Ubuntu 20.04 both ship with Python 3 pre-installed.

Virtual environments

As with everything you do in Python, it is recommended that you work in a virtual environment during this course. You can create a virtual environment in Python 3 using the venv module

python3 -m venv env

This creates a directory env containing the virtual environment. You can then activate this environment using

source env/bin/activate

Once your environment is activated, you can install the dependencies for this course using pip

pip install numpy scipy matplotlib