Consider the problem: Find $x, y,z$ such that
\[ \begin{aligned} eq1: & 2x & + & y & -& z & = & 3 \\ eq2: & x & & &+ &5z & = & 6 \\ eq3: & -x &+& 3y& -& 2z & = & 3 \end{aligned} \]
Gaussian elimination -- step 1 reduce the above system of equations so that the unknown $x$ is removed from the last two equations:
\[ \begin{aligned} eq1: & 2x & +& y& -& z & = &3 \\ eq2 ~\rightarrow eq1 - 2 \times eq2: & & & y & - &11 z & =& -9 \\ eq3~ \rightarrow ~ eq1 + 2 \times eq3: & & & 7y &- &5z& = & 9 \end{aligned} \]
In this case the 2 coefficient for x in the first row is the pivot, and we are using this pivot value to convert the other two x coefficients in the rows below to zeros.
Gaussian elimination -- step 2 remove the unknown $y$ from the last equation:
\[ \begin{aligned} eq1: & 2x + y - z & = 3 \\ eq2: & ~~~ y - 11 z & = -9 \\ eq3 ~ \rightarrow ~ 7 \times eq2 - eq3: & ~~~ -72 z = -72 \end{aligned} \]
Now the pivot is the 1 coefficient for $y$ in eq2.
\[ \begin{aligned} eq1: & 2x + y - z & = 3 \\ eq2: & ~~~ y - 11 z & = -9 \\ eq3: & ~~~ -72 z & = -72 \end{aligned} \]
This system is said to be upper triangular. It is also known as row echelon form, and the leading coefficients ([2, 1, -72] in this case) are known as the pivots.
Gaussian elimination -- step 3 We can now use back substitution to obtain $x,y,z$.
In this case
\( z = 1,\) \( eq2: ~~ y - 11 = -9 ~~ \implies ~~ y = 2,\) \( eq1: ~~ 2x +2 -1 = 3 , ~~ \implies ~~ x = 1.\)
Consider the following system
\[ \begin{aligned} eq1: & x & + & y & + & z & = & a \\ eq2: & 2x & + & 2y & + & 5z & = & b \\ eq3: & 4x & +& 6y & + & 8z & = & c \end{aligned} \]
This firstly reduces to
\[ \begin{aligned} eq1: & x & + & y & + & z & = & a \\ eq2:& & & & & 3z & = & b' \\ eq3: & & & 2y & + & 4z & = & c' \end{aligned} \]
The problem here is that we have zero for the pivot in eq2. This can easily be switched into upper triangular form by switching rows two and three.
Partial pivoting: In general, we should be worried about both zero and very small pivot values, as in the latter case they will lead to division by a small value, which can cause large roundoff errors. So common practice is to select a row/pivot value such that the pivot value is as large as possible
\[ \begin{aligned} eq1: & x & + & y & + & z & = & a \\ eq2: & 2x & + & 2y & + & 5z & = & b \\ eq3: & 4x & +& 4y & + & 8z & = & c \end{aligned} \]
This firstly reduces to
\[ \begin{aligned} eq1: & x & + & y & + & z & = & a \\ eq2:& & & & & 3z & = & b' \\ eq3:& & & & & 4z & = & c' \end{aligned} \]
We cannot solve this by switching rows in this case, which means that the matrix is singular and has no inverse
Computational cost: If the number of equations $n$ is large, then a number of operations for gaussian elimination is $\mathcal{O}(n^3)$.
Wikipedia has a pseudocode implementation of the gaussian elimination algorithm which is helpful to understand how it works:
h := 1 /* Initialization of the pivot row */
k := 1 /* Initialization of the pivot column */
while h ≤ m and k ≤ n
/* Find the k-th pivot: */
i_max := argmax (i = h ... m, abs(A[i, k]))
if A[i_max, k] = 0
/* No pivot in this column, pass to next column */
k := k+1
swap rows(h, i_max)
/* Do for all rows below pivot: */
for i = h + 1 ... m:
f := A[i, k] / A[h, k]
/* Fill with zeros the lower part of pivot column: */
A[i, k] := 0
/* Do for all remaining elements in current row: */
for j = k + 1 ... n:
A[i, j] := A[i, j] - A[h, j] * f
/* Increase pivot row and column */
h := h + 1
k := k + 1
.import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import scipy
import scipy.linalg
import sys
def solve_triangular(A, b):
n = len(b)
x = np.empty_like(b)
for i in range(n-1, -1, -1):
x[i] = b[i]
for j in range(n-1, i, -1):
x[i] -= A[i, j] * x[j]
x[i] /= A[i, i]
return x
def gaussian_elimination(A):
m, n = A.shape
# initialise the pivot row and column
h = 0
k = 0
while h < m and k < n:
# Find the k-th pivot:
i_max = np.argmax(A[h:, k]) + h
if A[i_max, k] == 0:
# No pivot in this column, pass to next column
k = k+1
# swap rows
A[[h, i_max], :] = A[[i_max, h], :]
# Do for all rows below pivot:
for i in range(h+1, m):
f = A[i, k] / A[h, k]
# Fill with zeros the lower part of pivot column:
A[i, k] = 0
# Do for all remaining elements in current row:
for j in range(k + 1, n):
A[i, j] = A[i, j] - A[h, j] * f
# Increase pivot row and column
h = h + 1
k = k + 1
return A
def solve_gaussian_elimination(A, b):
augmented_system = np.concatenate((A, b.reshape(-1, 1)), axis=1)
return solve_triangular(augmented_system[:, :-1], augmented_system[:, -1])
def random_matrix(n):
R = np.random.rand(n, n)
A = np.zeros((n, n))
triu = np.triu_indices(n)
A[triu] = R[triu]
return A
def random_non_singular_matrix(n):
A = np.random.rand(n, n)
while np.linalg.cond(A) > 1/sys.float_info.epsilon:
A = np.random.rand(n, n)
return A
As = [
np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]),
bs = [
np.array([1, 2, 3]),
for A, b in zip(As, bs):
x_scipy = scipy.linalg.solve(A, b)
x_mine = solve_gaussian_elimination(A, b)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(x_scipy, x_mine)
Gaussian Elimination might still fail if $A$ is close to being singular, if a slight change to its values causes it to be singular. In this case simple round-off error in the floating point calculations can lead to zeros in the pivot positions.
Even if the pivot value is not exactly zero, a pivot value close to zero can lead to large differences in the final result. In this case the matrix would be nearly singular, or ill-conditioned. Most linear algebra packages will include a method of calculating the condition number of a matrix, which evaluates how sensitive the solution is to the input values of the matrix or rhs vector. An identity matrix has a condition number of 1, while an exactly singular matrix has a condition number of infinity.
Suppose an experiment leads to the following system of equations:
\[ \begin{aligned} 4.5 x_1 + 3.1 x_2 &= 19.249, (1)\\ 1.6 x_1 + 1.1 x_2 &= 6.843. \end{aligned} \]
\[ \begin{aligned} 4.5 x_1 + 3.1 x_2 &= 19.25, (2)\\ 1.6 x_1 + 1.1 x_2 &= 6.84. \end{aligned} \]
The entries in (2) differ from those in (1) by less than .05%. Find the percentage error when using the solution of (2) as an approximation for the solution of (1).
Use numpy.linalg.cond
to produce the condition number of the coefficient matrix in
A = np.array([
[4.5, 3.1],
[1.6, 1.1],
x1 = scipy.linalg.solve(A, np.array([19.249, 6.843]))
x2 = scipy.linalg.solve(A, np.array([19.25, 6.84]))
print('percentage error is ', np.linalg.norm(x2 - x1) / np.linalg.norm(x1) * 100)
print('condition number is ', np.linalg.cond(A))