SABS:R3 Open Source Software Projects
Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
For SABS students, What is the year-long software project you will be working on?
Provide descriptions of each of the four projects.
Explain how the software engineering projects will work.
Students in the SABS:R3 CDT will undertake a year-long software engineering project as part of their first year. These projects are developed jointly by our academic and industrial partners, and selected through an open competition judged by members of the SABS R3 External Advisory Board. The project teams are mentored throughout the year by SABS staff and the groups putting forward the projects, with regular coding sessions built into the programme. All project outputs will be released to the research community under a 3-Clause BSD license, together if possible with a joint publication written by the students and the academic and industrial researchers involved. At the end of the first year, these projects will be demonstrated to the industrial partners and the new cohort of first-year students. Each team will continue to support these open source projects over the four years of their programme, allowing the development of a practical understanding of how software is sustained.
There are three different projects for 2022/2023, each described under the headings below. Each student will already be pre-assigned to a project via canvas.
Project 1 - The Drug Discovery Game
Company: Roche
Supervisors: Dr Torsten Schindler (Roche), Dr Rosa-Maria Rodriguez-Sarmiento (Roche), Professor Garrett Morris, Fergus Boyles
Project description:
Drug discovery is a multi-parameter optimization problem where many (sometimes competing) objectives must simultaneously be met for a new compound to fulfill the desired set of molecular properties, or Target Compound Profile (TCP) according to indication and target. The TCP compiles the physicochemical, pharmacological, and metabolic properties the molecules must achieve to be of clinical interest.
Building upon the prototype developed by SABS 2020 and 2021 Drug Discovery Game students, and ideas behind The Drug Discovery Game [1] by Brian McGuiness and Robert Merrit (a Velcro-based game), we are developing an improved computer game that aims to mimic the initial workflow of a medicinal chemist on achieving a desired TCP and is based on drug discovery cases published in literature.
The game covers several phases of the drug discovery process. Provided with only data from a high throughput screening (HTS), or by using an information driven approach starting with competitor compounds, the initial focus will be a hit expansion or a hit to lead identification phase. More complex processes of lead optimization and clinical candidate discovery will be added to the game in later stages.
On one hand, the game will serve as a tool that stimulates the player’s interest in AI guidance and medicinal chemistry. It will also reinforce knowledge and instill in the user the benefits of using a systematic approach rather than random selections. On the other hand, it will allow the training of artificial agents which can be used to assist learning medicinal chemists in making strategic decisions at different stages of drug discovery similar to an augmented intelligence system for medicinal chemists.
The current version uses a web front end and supports multiple users, and offers two kinds of game play: (i) choosing from a prescribed set of R1 and R2 groups on a fixed scaffold; and (ii) sketching a compound from scratch. In the first case, the binding data comes from published experiments, while their pharmacological and metabolic properties come from commercial predictive models. In the second case, ML models have been developed to predict all of these properties for whatever molecule is sketched.
In this phase of the project, we will explore (i) structure-based drug design through the introduction of protein-ligand docking; (ii) develop AI-based tools that use reinforcement learning to design new compounds using a new multi-objective reward function; (iii) expand the game to other targets, beyond the current target, matrix metalloprotease-12, MMP-12.
[1] McGuinness, Brian F. and Merritt, J. Robert: “Illustrating Medicinal Chemistry Through an Interactive Demo: The Drug Discovery Game”, Poster presented at the 2016 Fall American Chemical Society Meeting.
Project 2 - Mathematical and computational modelling in epidemiology
Company: Roche
Supervisors: Ben Lambert, David Gavaghan, Dr Annabelle Lemenuel-Diot (Roche), Richard Creswell, Ioana Bouros, Kit Gallagher
Project description:
This project would build on the infrastructure of SABS students in 2021-22 who worked to produce a web-based application for simulating epidemics using transmission dynamics models. In particular, the group developed Epiabm, which is a fully tested, open-source software package for epidemiological agent-based modelling that re-implements the well-known CovidSim model from the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis at Imperial College London. The model builds an age-stratified, spatially heterogeneous population and offers a modular approach to configure and run epidemic scenarios, allowing for a broad scope of investigative and comparative studies. Two simulation backends are provided: a pedagogical Python backend (with full functionality) and a high performance C++ backend for use with larger population simulations. Both are highly modular, with comprehensive testing and documentation for ease of understanding and extensibility. The Epiabm software is publicly available through GitHub at \
The next stage in the development of Epiabm will involve the implementation of both non-pharmaceutical interventions that aim to curtail the spread of the disease (lockdowns, mask-wearing, hand-washing etc), and pharmaceutical and medical interventions such as vaccination and administration of anti-viral drugs. Should time allow, the project may involve extension of the Epiabm software to other diseases of interest to our industrial collaborators (Roche) such as seasonal influenza epidemics.
Project 3 - Computer Vision-based Clinical Image Quality Control
Company: GE Healthcare
Supervisors: Chris Page (GE), Vicente Grau, Martin Robinson, Emmanuel Oladokun, Julia Krol, Ian McFarlane
Project description:
Imaging in clinical trials typically involves collecting data from multiple sites centrally for analysis. Data quality can vary considerably due to differences in technology and local procedures. Ingestion requires quality checks (to ensure adherence to the trial protocol) and robust deidentification (to meet privacy and GCP regulations), which can be painstakingly manual.
A 2020-22 SABS:R3 project developed a standardised, open, extensible framework to check and update image metadata according to user-defined rules, and a Tesseract-based annotation detection and masking tool for automatically masking identifiable information. It functions as an in-stream device, with accepted data being exported to a repository, and rejected data routed for follow-up.
The aim of this project is to develop new plug-ins to extend QC to the pixel data, using computer vision techniques to characterise the images. The existing plug-in for annotation removal will be enhanced by allowing user-provided whitelists. Other possible QC plugin extensions to be developed include anatomical region/completeness (e.g. to label the images as head, chest, abdomen, or pelvis; or label organs) or detecting use of contrast or modality-specific artefacts (particularly for MRI).
GE will provide domain expertise, documented user requirements and regular feedback. We also propose “day-in-the-life” sessions, giving a flavour of our roles in software engineering and pharmaceutical R&D. Beyond a grounding in software engineering, students will gain expertise with medical image processing, computer vision techniques and libraries (e.g. OpenCV) and best practice in the pharma industry (software validation, regulation, data integrity).
The projects will begin in the week of the 24th October. Each group will be contacted by the supervisors for their project for an introductory meeting and/or a timetable for the week. The full week of the 24-28th October will be devoted to the projects, with the exact schedule determined on an individual project basis.
After this week, you will be able to work on the projects every Wednesday (except during the Cells and Systems module), with space being available at the DTC to work in person with your group. It will not be necessary to be at the DTC in person if you do not wish, and we will ensure that you are able to dial in remotely if necessary. You will also have the full week of the 12-17th Dec, and three weeks in early 2023, to work on the projects.
Key Points
You will have already been sorted into your projects groups via canvas.
You will meet the supervisors for the projects on the Monday 24th October, who will give presentations on each project, and this whole week will be spent getting up to speed on your project
Generally, you will work on the projects every wednesday (not during Cells and Systems), with the opportunity for doing this at the DTC building if you wish.