This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Mocking for Unit Testing


Teaching: 25 min
Exercises: 20 min
  • How can we test components in isolation that depend on an external environment or other components?

  • Describe how to use unittest.mock to replace either a remote call or a dependent function

  • Use mocking to add to the test suite for our inflammation example

Mocking is a testing term that means to replace a real object with a pretend object. One of the most common objections to unit testing is that it can be quite difficult to test each function or class method in isolation, because of the dependencies that exist in all but the simplest code. For example:

  1. Your function/class might depend on a remote resource such as a website, FTP server or a cloud-based API that you are calling
  2. Function A, that you wish to tests, might use another function B as part of its work
  3. The class you wish to test, class A, might contain an instance of another class B that is difficult to construct (i.e. perhaps it depends on loading a large and cumbersome dataset).

For example 1, you would like your tests to pass even if the computer in question has no internet. For example 2, ideally you would want to be able to write a test for function A that didn’t depend on function B, so that if a bug occurred in function B, your tests for function A would still pass. For example 3, it would be nice to be able to test class A without having to construct the difficult-to-create object of class B.

For all these reasons, and many others, you can use mocking libraries to make your unit tests easier to write. There are many such libraries/frameworks that exist for different languages, for example:

Recording calls with mock

This lesson demonstrates the use of unittest.mock. This is a mocking framework within the Python3 standard library, and is therefore quite convenient to use. The documentation for unittest.mock is here. This framework contains a class Mock, which is callable and records all the calls that are made to it. For example, below we create an object of class Mock, and tell it to return 2 on every function call.

from unittest.mock import Mock
function = Mock(name="myroutine", return_value=2)

We can call our fake “function” with any number of arguments, with any type. However we call the function, it will always return the value 2.

function(5, "hello", a=True)

We can interrogate the Mock object to allow us to see how it has been called, we can use this functionality in tests to assert that the mock object is being called correctly. The mock_calls attribute returns an array of calls made to function.

[call(1), call(5, 'hello', a=True)]

Each element of the returned array is a call object, which stores the arguments for each call.

name, args, kwargs = function.mock_calls[1]
args, kwargs
((5, 'hello'), {'a': True})

Many real-world objects would contain some sort of state, which would change as the object is used via side-effects. Mock objects can also be setup to reproduce this behaviour like so:

function = Mock(name="myroutine", side_effect=[2, "xyz"])
function(1, "hello", {'a': True})

Since we have only specified two side-effects for our mock object, we therefore expect an error if the function is called again:

StopIteration                             Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-10-2fcbbbc1fe81> in <module>()
----> 1 function()

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\unittest\ in __call__(_mock_self, *args, **kwargs)
    917         # in the signature
    918         _mock_self._mock_check_sig(*args, **kwargs)
--> 919         return _mock_self._mock_call(*args, **kwargs)

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\unittest\ in _mock_call(_mock_self, *args, **kwargs)
    977             if not _callable(effect):
--> 978                 result = next(effect)
    979                 if _is_exception(result):
    980                     raise result


This demonstrates a couple of the features of unittest.Mock to give you a flavor of how it can be used to create a mock object. There are of course many other features of the library, for example the ability to create mock methods and attributes for your mock object. You can read more about these in the documentation.

Using mocks to model test resources

Often we want to write tests for code which interacts with remote resources. (e.g. databases, the internet, or data files)

We don’t want to have our tests actually interact with the remote resource, as this would mean our tests failed due to lost internet connections, for example.

Instead, we can use mocks to assert that our code does the right thing in terms of the messages it sends: the parameters of the function calls it makes to the remote resource.

For example, consider the following code that downloads a map from the internet using the Google API:

import requests

def map_at(lat, long, satellite=False, zoom=12, 
           size=(400, 400), sensor=False):

    base = ""
    params = dict(
        sensor = str(sensor).lower(),
        zoom = zoom,
        size = "x".join(map(str,size)),
        center = ",".join(map(str,(lat,long))),
        style = "feature:all|element:labels|visibility:off")
    if satellite:
        params["maptype"] = "satellite"
    return requests.get(base, params=params)

london_map = map_at(51.5073509, -0.1277583)
from IPython.display import Image

We would like to write a test to check that the map_at function is building the parameters correctly for the call to the google mapping API. We can do this by mocking the requests object. Note that we could simply put a print statement in the function to verify this, but this would have to be removed, so writing a test for this is a more long-term and sustainable solution.

We need to temporarily replace a method, specifically the requests.get() function, with a mock. We can use unittest.mock.patch to do this:

from unittest.mock import patch
with patch.object(requests,'get') as mock_get:
    london_map = map_at(51.5073509, -0.1277583)

The patch.object function replaces the named attribute (in this case get) in the named object (requests), with a mock object mock_get. In the same manner as we saw for the Mock objects, we can query mock_get to get the arguments that requests.get was called with.

[call('', params={'center': '51.5073509,-0.1277583', 'sensor': 'false', 'style': 'feature:all|element:labels|visibility:off', 'size': '400x400', 'zoom': 12})]

Our test for the map_at function then looks like:

def test_build_default_params():
    with patch.object(requests,'get') as mock_get:
        default_map = map_at(51.0, 0.0)

unittest.patch can be used as a function decorator to replace an argument of the function with a mock, it can used to patch a object attribute , a dictionary-like object, or to apply multiple patches as once.

Here is the same test for map_at, now written using a patch function decorator.

def test_build_default_params(mock_get):
      default_map = map_at(51.0, 0.0)

Testing functions that call other functions

Often we wish to test a function in isolation from other, dependent functions, so that we can write independent tests. For example, we want to test that the below function does the right thing. It is supposed to compute the derivative of a function of a vector in a particular direction.

def partial_derivative(function, at, direction, delta=1.0):
    f_x = function(at)
    x_plus_delta = at[:]
    x_plus_delta[direction] += delta
    f_x_plus_delta = function(x_plus_delta)
    return (f_x_plus_delta - f_x) / delta

We can us the partial_derivative function to, for example, calculate the derivative of the sum function.

partial_derivative(sum, [0,0,0], 1)

How do we assert that it is doing the right thing? One way we could do this is to check the result of the function against the correct solution. After all, we know that the partial derivative of the sum function should be 1, we could also check the performance of the function using other test functions as well. But with mocks we can also write a test that is completely independent of the specific function we might use, and one that directly tests that the partial_derivative is doing what you expect it to do. Here is a possible test using a Mock to replace the input function argument.

from unittest.mock import Mock

def test_derivative_2d_y_direction():
    func = Mock(return_value=0)
    partial_derivative(func, [0,0], 1)
    func.assert_any_call([0, 1.0])
    func.assert_any_call([0, 0])


Write a unit test for load_csv using mocks

Go back to the inflammation example that we used in the previous lessons.

Write a unit test for the load_csv function in inflammation/ Use mocking to remove the dependence on the np.loadtxt and inflammation.models.get_data_dir functions. Make sure to test for the two different behaviours of the function which occur when the input filename is either absolute or relative.

Once you are finished, commit your changes and then merge all the new commits on your test-suite branch into `master.


@patch('inflammation.models.get_data_dir', return_value='/data_dir')
def test_load_csv(mock_get_data_dir):
   from inflammation.models import load_csv
   with patch('numpy.loadtxt') as mock_loadtxt:
       name, args, kwargs = mock_loadtxt.mock_calls[0]
       assert kwargs['fname'] == '/data_dir/test.csv'
       name, args, kwargs = mock_loadtxt.mock_calls[1]
       assert kwargs['fname'] == '/test.csv'

Key Points

  • Mocking is useful for implementing unit tests that test each component in isolation.

  • Mocking can remove dependencies on external environment such as the internet, the filesystem, or it can remove dependencies from other components

  • Testing in isolation is essential as it gives you a test suite that can properly identify where bugs are occuring